Yesterday, we were part of the vernissage that took place at the manufacture (Roubaix)
Our project "architecture à la loop" will be visible as part of the major exhibition "Voyages et Architectures, les Motte-Bossut photographes", an exhibition organized by Roubaix City of Art and History as part of the 2023 Thematic Year of World Architectures, in partnership with the Friends of the Motte-Bossut photographic collection, the Archives nationales du monde du travail and the L'Usine stores.
"Architecture à la loop" is a project that we led with Charlotte Dubois and Black Adopo in collaboration with the ARA, the Assia Djebar social center and the Manufacture – Museum of Memory and Textile Creation in partnership with the City of Art and History Service of the city of Roubaix.
#theremin #beatbox #looper #piano #manufacture #roubaix #écriture #transmission #journeeseuropeennesdupatrimoine #cielelectronlibre
